According to Dr. Gregory Stanton, lawyer and president of Genocide Watch: ... every human being having the capacity for both good and evil. Série "Toute L’histoire" par Frida samedi 11 mai 2013 7%. Far more than any other military action that preceded the actual occupation of Germany itself, these attacks left the German people with a solid lesson in the disadvantages of war. It was a wonderfully beautiful city and a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. Civilian strafing was in fact a regular practice of the Luftwaffe throughout the war. a) en 42 pages, un état des connaissances actuelles sur la recherche et l'enregistrement des personnes décédées durant le bombardement (Matthias Neutzner); Contrairement aux autres grandes villes, il n'y avait donc pas eu de plan étendu de protection avec grands abris anti-aériens[17]. At 21:59 the Local Air Raid Leadership confirmed that the bombers were in the area of Dresden-Pirna. [36] Taylor writes that an official 1942 guide to the city described it as "one of the foremost industrial locations of the Reich" and in 1944 the German Army High Command's Weapons Office listed 127 medium-to-large factories and workshops that were supplying the army with materiel. The raid was carried out through the normal chain of command, pursuant to directives and agreements then in force. He organized these as discrete series that he would always show as a whole, from the 52 woodcuts of. They fainted and then burnt to cinders. His studio having burned in the attack with his life's work, Rudolph immediately set out to record the destruction, systematically drawing block after block, often repeatedly to show the progress of clearing or chaos that ensued in the ruins. In 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a group of prominent Dresdeners formed an international appeal known as the "Call from Dresden" to request help in rebuilding the Lutheran Frauenkirche, the destruction of which had over the years become a symbol of the bombing. The inquiry declared the elimination of the German ability to reinforce a counter-attack against Marshal Konev's extended line or, alternatively, to retreat and regroup using Dresden as a base of operations, were important military objectives. Bottomley's list included oil plants, tank and aircraft factories and the cities of Berlin and Dresden. Il a été demandé au service des archives de la ville de Dresde en juin 2013 l'accès aux documents de travail, il a été répondu qu'ils sont bloqués pour trente ans, et les témoignages pour 80 ans. Le [162] The firebombing of Dresden was depicted in George Roy Hill's 1972 movie adaptation of Vonnegut's novel. "[25] Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Harris, AOCinC Bomber Command, nicknamed "Bomber" Harris in the British press, and known as an ardent supporter of area bombing,[26] was asked for his view, and proposed a simultaneous attack on Chemnitz, Leipzig and Dresden. [65], 316 B-17 Flying Fortresses bombed Dresden, dropping 771 tons of bombs. Mais, ce 13 février 1945, les démocraties anglaise et américaine commencent le plus brutal bombardement de la 2e Guerre mondiale (exceptées les bombes atomiques sur le Japon). The bombing of Dresden was a British-American aerial bombing attack on the city of Dresden, the capital of the German state of Saxony, during World War II.In four raids between 13 and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city. During the Second World War, Britain was on summer time and. [7], As far as Dresden being a militarily significant industrial centre, an official 1942 guide described the German city as "... one of the foremost industrial locations of the Reich," and in 1944, the German Army High Command's Weapons Office listed 127 medium-to-large factories and workshops that supplied materiel to the military. På DBA finder du altid et godt tilbud på både nye og brugte varer til salg The high explosives were intended to rupture water mains and blow off roofs, doors, and windows to create an air flow to feed the fires caused by the incendiaries that followed. "But there were too many corpses to bury. [51] The attack was to centre on the Ostragehege sports stadium, next to the city's medieval Altstadt (old town), with its congested and highly combustible timbered buildings. Les bombes incendiaires sont utilisées comme armes de guerre. Utile. Far-right politicians in Germany have sparked a great deal of controversy by promoting the term "Bombenholocaust" ("holocaust by bomb") to describe the raids. With the city on fire everywhere, those fleeing from one burning cellar simply ran into another, with the result that thousands of bodies were found piled up in houses at the end of city blocks. (Today I know that these unfortunate people were the victims of lack of oxygen.) La ville de Dresde partagea ainsi le même sort que Berlin et Breslau, qui furent réduites en cendres, mais essentiellement par l’artillerie et les chars soviétiques. I think these three reasons probably cover the bombing. [7] Even after the main firebombing, there were two further raids on the Dresden railway yards by the USAAF. Exemple d'école convertie : Vitzthumschule. [7], The journalist Alexander McKee cast doubt on the meaningfulness of the list of targets mentioned in the 1953 USAF report, pointing out that the military barracks listed as a target were a long way out of the city and were not in fact targeted during the raid. Attacks on cities like any other act of war are intolerable unless they are strategically justified. Pour son coprésident, Tino Chrupalla, le véritable bilan serait d'« environ 100 000 victimes »[30]. [13][14], In the decades since the war, large variations in the claimed death toll have fuelled the controversy, though the numbers themselves are no longer a major point of contention among historians. [143] It is also stated that the important Autobahn bridge to the west of the city was not targeted or attacked, and that no railway stations were on the British target maps, nor any bridges, such as the railway bridge spanning the Elbe River. Les services de renseignements occidentaux étaient arrivés à la conclusion que la Wehrmacht allait déplacer 42 divisions (un demi-million d'hommes) vers le front de l'Est, alors proche de la ville, et les services soviétiques avaient signalé d'importants mouvements de trains sur le centre de triage de Dresde (en fait, des trains de réfugiés fuyant l'avance de l'Armée rouge qui effectuait l'offensive Vistule-Oder). I den henseende ville et bombardement kunne ramme meget industri. [132][133][134], An inquiry conducted at the behest of U.S. Army Chief of Staff, General George C. Marshall, stated the raid was justified by the available intelligence. 47, that originated with Hitler's Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels. Selon des estimations, la ville est passée de 630 000 habitants à un regroupement de plus d’un million de personnes à l'époque, un flux de quatre millions de réfugiés de Silésie fuyant notamment sur ordre[19] le front russe allant alors d'est en ouest[20]. Meilleur commentaire critique . 84 relations. Les états-majors pensèrent que la ville servirait de nœud logistique pour ce transfert[4]. Proponents of this position argue that the devastation from firebombing was greater than anything that could be justified by military necessity alone, and this establishes a prima facie case. [18] One of the main authors responsible for inflated figures being disseminated in the West was Holocaust denier David Irving, who subsequently announced that he had discovered that the documentation he had worked from had been forged, and the real figures supported the 25,000 number. The second was on 17 April, when 580 B-17s dropped 1,554 tons of high-explosive bombs and 165 tons of incendiaries. ("German perpetrators are no victims!") Check out Dresde Apocalypse reviews, ratings, browse wide selection of blu-ray, DVDs and shop online at Longmate describes a 22 September 1941 memorandum prepared by the British Air Ministry's Directorate of Bombing Operations that puts numbers to this analysis (, *The number of bombers and tonnage of bombs are taken from a USAF document written in 1953 and classified secret until 1978 (, harv error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFGrayling2006 (, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (. The other groups all bombed Dresden between 12:00 and 12:10. [20] A special British Joint Intelligence Subcommittee report, German Strategy and Capacity to Resist, prepared for Winston Churchill's eyes only, predicted that Germany might collapse as early as mid-April if the Soviets overran its eastern defences. Dresde fut commis délibérément, car Dresde est une crime contre des civils, pour faire définitivement plier les nazis. L'United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) et la Royal Air Force (RAF) utilisèrent des bombes incendiaires notamment à la thermite[1], l'emploi du phosphore étant lui discuté. DK’s største udvalg af designerlamper. Les bombardements de la nuit du 13 au 14 (sauf erreur) ont été menés avec des bombes incendiaires au phosphore, maisons, rues, personnes ont été transformés en une gigantesque torche. It became more and more difficult to breathe. He writes that the bombing was the first time the public in Allied countries seriously questioned the military actions used to defeat the Germans.[102]. Comme le fut Hiroshima, Tokyo et Nagazaki pour les Japonais 5 … H2X aiming caused the groups to bomb with a wide dispersal over the Dresden area. The bomber groups were protected by 784 North American P-51 Mustangs of the Eighth Air Force's VIII Fighter Command, for a total almost 2,100 Eighth Army Air Force aircraft over Saxony during 14 February. [71] Frederick Taylor in Dresden (2004), basing most of his analysis on the work of Bergander and Schnatz, concludes that no strafing took place, although some stray bullets from aerial dogfights may have hit the ground and been mistaken for strafing by those in the vicinity. Le bombardement de Hambourg fut l'un des épisodes les plus meurtriers de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. [130], The bombing of Dresden has been used by Holocaust deniers and pro-Nazi polemicists—most notably by British writer David Irving in his book The Destruction of Dresden—in an attempt to establish a moral equivalence between the war crimes committed by the Nazi government and the killing of German civilians by Allied bombing raids. "Je sais que la destruction d’une ville aussi grande et splendide à cette étape avancée de la guerre a été jugée inutile même par un grand nombre de personnes qui admettaient que nos attaques précédentes étaient aussi justifiées que toutes les autres opérations de guerre. Warning! It also contained all of the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. Malheureusement ce ne fut pas le dernier bombardement au phosphore sur des populations civiles fait sciemment. A Dresden police report written shortly after the attacks reported that the old town and the inner eastern suburbs had been engulfed in a single fire that had destroyed almost 12,000 dwellings. The USAFHD report states that Dresden was protected by anti-aircraft defences, antiaircraft guns, and searchlights, under the Combined Dresden (Corps Area IV) and Berlin (Corps Area III) Luftwaffe Administration Commands. [121], The new Frauenkirche was reconstructed over seven years by architects using 3D computer technology to analyse old photographs and every piece of rubble that had been kept and was formally consecrated on 30 October 2005, in a service attended by some 1,800 guests, including Germany's president, Horst Köhler; previous and current chancellors, Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel; and the Duke of Kent. [57] The first bombs were released at 22:13, the last at 22:28, the Lancasters delivering 881.1 tons of bombs, 57% high explosive, 43% incendiaries. [47] Other raids were carried out that night to confuse German air defences. Ce plan, qui n'a jamais été appliqué tel quel, rejeté comme irréaliste[7] et « terroriste », conçu par les états-majors américain et britannique, proposait une intensification des bombardements jusqu'à 100 000 morts, pour saper définitivement le moral[8] des troupes allemandes. [106][107][108] On 28 March, in a memo sent by telegram to General Ismay for the British Chiefs of Staff and the Chief of the Air Staff, he wrote: It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed. [7], On 13 February 1945, bad weather over Europe prevented any USAAF operations, and it was left to RAF Bomber Command to carry out the first raid. [13] Der Spiegel writes that, for decades, the Communist government of East Germany promoted the bombing as an example of "Anglo-American terror," and now the same rhetoric is being used by the far right. [40] According to the report, there were aircraft components factories; a poison gas factory (Chemische Fabrik Goye and Company); an anti-aircraft and field gun factory (Lehman); an optical goods factory (Zeiss Ikon AG); and factories producing electrical and X-ray apparatus (Koch & Sterzel [de] AG); gears and differentials (Saxoniswerke); and electric gauges (Gebrüder Bassler). Le 13 Février à 09h40 quand les Mosquitos commencèrent les plans de repérage à l'aide de fusées éclairantes, il y avait dans la cité environ 500.000 réfugiés. I know only one thing: that I must not burn. The absence of specific international humanitarian law does not mean that the laws of war did not cover aerial warfare, but the existing laws remained open to interpretation. [82] The feeling, such as there is, over Dresden, could be easily explained by any psychiatrist. He claims that Winston Churchill's decision to bomb a shattered Germany between January and May 1945 was a war crime. Baggrund og mål for angrebet. [91] The city authorities did not distinguish between residents and refugees when establishing casualty numbers and "took great pains to count all the dead, identified and unidentified". They found no bullets or fragments that would have been used by planes of the Dresden raids. I do not personally regard the whole of the remaining cities of Germany as worth the bones of one British Grenadier. It was estimated that at least 23% of the city's industrial buildings were destroyed or severely damaged. [39] It said that there were 110 factories and 50,000 workers in the city supporting the German war effort at the time of the raid. are popular slogans among the so-called "Anti-Germans"—a small radical left-wing political movement in Germany and Austria. Le premier maire communiste de Dresde, après la guerre, Walter Weidauer (de), considérait en 1946 les attaques comme évitables bien qu'ayant été provoquées par les « fascistes allemands ». Au cours de la guerre froide, les préjugés idéologiques empêchèrent une étude objective du déroulement des événements. L'évaluation actuelle du nombre des victimes se situe autour de 35 000 morts (dont 25 000 corps identifiés)[2],[3]. Churchill avait trouvé ça moche ! They failed to hit the marshalling yards in the Friedrichstadt district and, as in the previous raid, their ordnance was scattered over a wide area. [152], German author Günter Grass is one of several intellectuals and commentators who have also called the bombing a war crime.[153]. The Wehrmacht's main command post in the Taschenbergpalais, 19 military hospitals and a number of less significant military facilities were also destroyed. [62], Primary sources disagree as to whether the aiming point was the marshalling yards near the centre of the city or the centre of the built-up urban area. Selon Gert Bürgel[41], les témoignages entendus et les matériaux de travail de la commission sont inaccessibles, couverts par le secret et ne peuvent donc pas être l'objet d'étude critique. The lead aircraft of the major enemy bomber forces have changed course and are now approaching the city area".[79]. So instead the Nazis sent in troops with flamethrowers. [172], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}51°2′N 13°44′E / 51.033°N 13.733°E / 51.033; 13.733, British/American air raids on a city in Germany, RAF strategic bombing during the Second World War, U.S. Air Force Historical Division report. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Le bombardement de Dresde, dans la partie orientale de l'Allemagne, demeure pour l'Europe le pendant d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki au Japon: une horreur méthodiquement préparée, organisée et exécutée par ceux qui se présentent encore aujourd'hui comme les «libérateurs». Altid hurtig levering, 100 dages returret & prisgaranti! 93% (33 votes) Votez cet article . 47 ("TB47") issued on 22 March the number of dead recovered by that date was 20,204, including 6,865 who were cremated on the Altmarkt square, and they expected that the total number of deaths to be about 25,000. On possède des observations de telles tempêtes de feu pour le bombardement de Coventry par l'Allemagne, celui de Hambourg[36] (opération Gomorrhe), et pour les bombardements atomiques d'Hiroshima et Nagasaki. It was beyond belief, worse than the blackest nightmare. Freeman Dyson, a British (and later American) physicist who had worked as a young man with RAF Bomber Command from July 1943 to the end of the war,[165] wrote in later years: "For many years I had intended to write a book on the bombing. The largest, beneath the main railway station, was housing 6,000 refugees. Elles peuvent être employées pour nettoyer une zone, par exemple à des fins de déforestation du camp ennemi, comme ce fut le cas lor… Laurie.B. ph, bombardement lysekrone 2/1, hængelampe, reserveret reserveret reserveret bombardement lysekrone i meget pÆn stand, flot stel, og med glas der er flotte og intakte ingen fejl. [124] The society is committed to reconstructing the historic city centre as much as possible. Suddenly, I saw people again, right in front of me. From February 4 to February 11, the Big Three Allied leadersU.S. Après ceux d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, il s’agit du bombardement aérien le plus meurtrier de cette guerre. Three hundred and sixty heavy bombers (Lancasters and Halifaxes) bombed a synthetic oil plant in Böhlen, 60 miles (97 km) from Dresden, while de Havilland Mosquito medium bombers attacked Magdeburg, Bonn, Misburg near Hanover and Nuremberg. Cette tension politique éclipse les 25 000 victimes de la « tempête de feu », trois jours de bombardement au phosphore (du 13 au 15 février 1945) sur la Florence allemande, dont il ne restera plus que ruines. This had ground breaking results because it demonstrated a broad support for the aims of the initiative and a widespread appreciation for historical Dresden. Find betydning, stavning, synonymer og meget mere i moderne dansk. Un bombardement, à plusieurs milliers de km de la ligne de front, est toujours un acte politique. [7], During his post-war interrogation, Albert Speer, Minister of Armaments and War Production for the Third Reich, said that Dresden's industrial recovery from the bombings was rapid. As a large city and industrial centre, Hamburg's shipyards, U-boat pens, and the Hamburg-Harburg area oil refineries were attacked throughout the war. He concluded that some memory of eyewitnesses was real, but that it had misinterpreted the firing in a dogfight as deliberately aimed at people on the ground. [83] Almost 200 factories were damaged, 136 seriously (including several of the Zeiss Ikon precision optical engineering works), 28 with medium to serious damage, and 35 with light damage. 47) considéré actuellement comme falsifié[22],[23],[24], une copie[25] de l'original ayant été retrouvée à Dresde par Götz Bergander. En 1949, voulant apporter son témoignage, le photographe Richard Peter, habitant de Dresde, publie Dresden, eine Kamera klagt an (Dresde, un appareil photo accuse)[40]. Exact figures are unknown, but reliable estimates were calculated based on train arrivals, foot traffic, and the extent to which emergency accommodation had to be organised. Prosecutors said that it was illegal to call the bombing a holocaust. Frauenkirche: Exceptionnel - consultez 6 542 avis de voyageurs, 3 948 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Dresde, Allemagne sur Tripadvisor. [70] In 2000, historian Helmut Schnatz found an explicit order to RAF pilots not to strafe civilians on the way back from Dresden. The industrial plants of Dresden played no significant role in German industry at this stage in the war". [131] As such, "grossly inflated"[5] casualty figures have been promulgated over the years, many based on a figure of over 200,000 deaths quoted in a forged version of the casualty report, Tagesbefehl No. Skip to main content. It is a baby. Ostensibly, Britain had learned this after the Coventry Blitz, when loss of this crucial infrastructure had supposedly longer-lasting effects than attacks on war plants. But the Allies' firebombing of Dresden and nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also war crimes – and as Leo Kuper and Eric Markusen have argued, also acts of genocide. [55] Between 01:21 and 01:45, 529 Lancasters dropped more than 1,800 tons of bombs. Comparaison concernant les sept plus grandes villes allemandes, La question récurrente du « crime de guerre » ; les responsabilités, Le bombardement de Dresde dans la culture, « Il me semble que le moment est venu de remettre en question le bombardement des villes allemandes dans le but d'accroître la terreur, tout en invoquant d'autres prétextes… la destruction de Dresde constitue un sérieux doute sur la conduite des bombardements alliés ». [96], On 25 February, a new leaflet with photographs of two burned children was released under the title "Dresden—Massacre of Refugees," stating that 200,000 had died. [159][160] In 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of the bombing, Anti-Germans praised the bombing on the grounds that so many of the city's civilians had supported Nazism. La ville (629 713 habitants en 1939) comprenait en effet plusieurs gares et centralisait des réseaux téléphoniques vitaux pour le front de l'Est ; en raison des circonstances, elle aurait été intégrée tardivement au projet opération Thunderclap (de) en août 1944 qui proposait originairement de frapper Berlin[5] de manière décisive[6]. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. He survived the bombing in a bunker beneath a slaughterhouse in Dresden. By this point in the war, the Luftwaffe was severely hampered by a shortage of both pilots and aircraft fuel; the German radar system was also degraded, lowering the warning time to prepare for air attacks. [137], According to the USAFHD, there were 110 factories and 50,000 workers supporting the German war effort in Dresden at the time of the raid. [64] Taylor compares this 40% mix with the raid on Berlin on 3 February, where the ratio was 10% incendiaries. The raid achieved the military objective, without excessive loss of civilian life. His book is not only good literature. Le bombardement de Dresde par les Alliés, du 13 au 15 février 1945, détruisit la quasi-totalité de la ville. Frauenkirche: Exceptionnel - consultez 6 540 avis de voyageurs, 3 948 photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour Dresde, Allemagne sur Tripadvisor. [66][67] The remaining 115 bombers from the stream of 431 misidentified their targets. What they were looking for was a big built-up area which they could burn, and that Dresden possessed in full measure. Par coïncidence, le jour précédant le raid, un document du ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères avait été mis en circulation dans les pays neutres, critiquant Arthur Harris comme le responsable des bombardements de terreur. Books. He was in Dresden at the time and saw what happened. L’holocauste de Dresde, un crime impuni. [75], Of 796 British bombers who participated in the raid, six were lost, three of those hit by bombs dropped by aircraft flying over them. Når diskussionen er blusset op igen, skyldes det tyskernes forståelige optagethed af deres egne lidelser under krigen og deres ønske om at blive accepteret som ligeværdige partnere i Europa. He passed on the request to Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles Portal, the Chief of the Air Staff, who answered, "We should use available effort in one big attack on Berlin and attacks on Dresden, Leipzig, and Chemnitz, or any other cities where a severe blitz will not only cause confusion in the evacuation from the East, but will also hamper the movement of troops from the West. The Dresden bombings achieved the strategic objectives that underlay the attack and were of mutual importance to the Allies and the Russians. The raids became a symbol of the “terror bombing” campaign against Germany, which was one of the most controversial Allied actions of the war. So many people were horribly burnt and injured. Le 28 mars 1945, Winston Churchill s'interrogea dans une note d'état major sur l'opportunité de ce bombardement[18]. Le 16 février, le ministère de la Propagande publiait un communiqué de presse qui dessinait la ligne générale de la propagande nazie : Dresde n'avait aucune industrie de guerre, n'était qu'une ville de culture et d'hôpitaux. Pour le parti d’extrême droite Alternative pour l'Allemagne (AFD), le nombre officiel de victimes est largement sous-estimé. Sammen med overskærmen leveres også 4 styk balanceringe.Disse ringe kan du anvende på de andre 4 overskærme. En lire plus. Four major raids were carried out in the span of 10 days, of which the most notable, on 27–28 July, created a devastating firestorm effect similar to Dresden's, killing at least 45,000 people. À 22h15, 800 bombardiers britanniques, avions descorte et de diversion convergeaient sur Dresde et larguaient des bombes incendiaires qui mettaient le feu à la ville dune extrémité à lautre. [23] That evening Churchill asked the Secretary of State for Air, Sir Archibald Sinclair, what plans had been drawn up to carry out these proposals. "[146], According to historian Sönke Neitzel, "it is difficult to find any evidence in German documents that the destruction of Dresden had any consequences worth mentioning on the Eastern Front. It is now none of these things.[112].